It's been a little while since I last blogged but I've been taking photos quite a bit nevertheless. Most of my photos are when we are sat down eating. It has been very amusing and interesting to watch Evie get the hang of eating food. In the last few weeks, she's gone from just squishing food up in her hands and sucking it from her fingers (and spreading it everywhere), to being able to grab large chunks and bite bits off in her mouth. She is definitely enjoying the experience of eating and joining us properly at mealtimes. And yes, she can actually eat despite having no teeth and not having pureed food, as shown by the evidence in her nappies!
Sweet potato wedges are her current favourite, along with large chunks of cucumber. Today, she tried melon and was sucking and chomping on it for ages. Just like Isla did at this stage, Evie tends to make a bee-line for grabbing at any meat put on her high chair table. She had steak for the first time last week, and liked sucking a strip for ages. She had sausage last night, and roast chicken on Sunday. Toast, bagel and yorkshire pudding go down well too! Pikelets (dropped scones, scotch pancakes) were also a hit the other week with both girls. Isla has been wanting to try again with many things that she sees Evie trying and enjoying.... although sadly not broccoli! Courgette, parsnip, carrot, potato, banana, pizza, pasta, omelette are all things Evie has been trying.
Isla has been trying out different hairstyles recently. She had her hair up on one side, like one of the 'pre-school ladies'. When she went to pre-school this week with a ponytail, everyone said how nice it was.
Here is Isla helping bake some carrot muffins which Evie enjoyed eating:
Isla enjoyed washing up afterwards:
With the weather being mostly rubbish, we have done a lot indoors. We made some mini stained glass windows by gluing tissue paper onto plastic lids:
We've been getting out to the park when possible:
Isla and Andrew made some jelly, which both Isla and Evie tried:
We tried a soft play centre near us, have visited friends, and also been reading lots of books from the library and Cbeebies magazines. We also had a visit from granny Margaret and grandad David. The panda cuddly toy they brought had a trip to preschool last week to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Isla likes Octonauts and has a squid toy from an Octonauts activity magazine. Here is her drawing of a crab:
My amaryllis is flowering:
Evie trying some yummy apple crumble made with Essex brambly apples:

Tucking into some pear, steak pie and veg:
Evie likes having a kick about on the floor and can roll front to back. She seems to be teething so we've got some teething toys for her. She spends a long time examining her toys, especially their labels and likes touching different textures. Cups and rings are favourite toys. Standing up, sitting on the floor with cushions and being in the door bouncer are also fun for her.
Isla doing a drawing of Monts:
Yesterday evening, it snowed! Isla was very excited to finally get some snow this winter:
My attempt at a Sachertorte. Yummy!
This afternoon, nearly getting blown away: