Isla found a little fly. If you're wondering about the hat, it's an octonauts one that we made:
Evie likes sitting up and playing with toys now. She has started doing a lot of rocking when she is sat up and can move backwards around the floor on her tummy. She enjoys a little music group we go to. Isla joined us for it this week as she was too poorly for pre-school and slept all day long. Evie has been very content and is really enjoying her food especially yoghurts. She tried raspberries for the first time and also met her first rabbit and guinea pig today at a friend's house. She's stopped saying a-boo all the time now and instead says awaawaawaa a lot. Evie loves standing up and laughs when you tickle her tummy and chin, make funny noises at her or let her grab your nose! She's started to get a bit scared of the hoover though.
Pob overseeing the playing:
Our gardening has begun again for the year. Isla planted lots of seeds last week and they have all germinated this week. We have tomato plants, courgette plants, pumpkins and runner beans. Isla had another birthday party to attend at the weekend. They had a bouncy castle, party games (Isla won musical statues again!) and hats and branches to decorate with colourful pom poms. Our decorated branch is on display for all to see:
We made a pithivier using our left over roast chicken. Isla helped brilliantly with the egg wash:
Isla having some puff pastry and pulling a face:
As well as our normal seed growing, we are running a couple of experiments. First of all, we have a runner bean growing in a jar so we can watch it germinating. The jar is a bit small so it will be interesting to see what happens to the shoot. We also have some "fairy" seeds and cress growing and today we set up some carrot tops in water to see if they will grow. Isla is much better than me at remembering to water the plants everyday, so this year we might actually use our own tomato plants to put in the garden rather than killing the seedlings off and buying plants like last year!
Evie is loving the door bouncer and now does proper jumps in it like a baby kangaroo! She bounces all over the place and is very funny to watch.