The last few weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster......should we stay or should we go???!!!!!!
So we went bowling to forget about it all!
Evie won the game of bowling! But Isla is determined to win next time and they both loved it.
On Isla's last day of the Easter holidays, we went to Lacock Abbey. There was a family trail to follow - hunt out the wine bottles and unscramble the letters on them to find the location of a party! We love a good trail or treasure hunt in our family, so this was brilliant fun.
A couple of tricky days wondering what on Earth to do and then finally our house sale went through! Crazy times!
So we went off to Dartmoor to see our friends:
Isla and Ned: "I think you're the best child in the world, Ned" said Isla. "I think you're the best child in the world too" replied Ned.
And the Great Packing Up event has begun properly. In a little break from the sorting out, Isla and Evie went for a lovely bike ride around the village:
Isla has now got a week left at school. She has been learning about bugs, growing and Springtime. They have collected tadpoles from the school pond as well as caterpillars to watch their development. Isla has now moved on to stage 5 reading books (green) and has just had her first chapter book sent home with her. We are trying to get through as many 'Biff and Chip' books as we can to read about their adventures in their new house with the magic key! Yesterday, Isla received an award in assembly for being kind and polite everyday. Her teacher told her that they will all miss her very much when she leaves! We've been buying leaving presents and spending time with our friends before we move to pastures new.

Evie had fun in her last swimming lesson (she kept checking that she wouldn't be going underwater though) and has been enjoying helping me to sort out which hand-me-downs she will wear when she's bigger. She loves clothes and was thrilled by having so many of Isla's old Peppa Pig tops to wear. Evie really enjoys cleaning shoes, which is coming in very handy at the moment.