Last month we had a day trip a little way up the coast to Double Island Point and enjoyed the sand and sea there:
Isla started nippers at the end of the school holidays. She met up with her friends at the beach and had to run races on the sand and play games in the shallows of the sea.
A friend of Evie's had a birthday party at the park in a busy part of Noosa so we took the bus there. They had a go at a piƱata and had face painting as well as making a snowman out of marshmallows.
The local art gallery had an exhibition on recycled art. After looking at the sculptures made by the artists, the children could make whatever they liked from junk. So Isla and Evie made Pob and Monty:
Evie and I visited the National Park before gymnastics one day. At gymnastics she is learning about forward rolls, cartwheels and handstands and likes playing fishing games and beading patterns and making some new friends!
A week ago we suddenly had a lot of heavy rain, and since then it has been cloudy and rainy most days. We visited a castle which was built about fifty years ago and found clues to a treasure hunt:
Isla and Evie have become obsessed with Minecraft. They can play together in the same game and build houses together:
Today we went to the zoo. All of the kangaroos were in their rest area sheltering from the rain. It was the quietest we have seen the zoo. We enjoyed looking at the new exhibit of meerkats, who had a shock when we put up an umbrella with the sentinel meerkat falling off his perch!