Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Christmas Holidays

It's the Christmas holidays! Yippee! Here's some photos of what Isla and Evie have been doing these holidays:

Dressing up as puppies:

Meeting Santa at the Ginger Factory with our friends N and M:

Doing LOTS of crafts:

Santa turned up at Nippers:

Making and eating a Gingerbread house:

Visiting the Mary River at the Conondale National Park. We spotted a freshwater catfish, a turtle, a snake, a kingfisher and lots of butterflies on our trip:

We stopped off to taste cheeses and have an ice cream at the Kenilworth cheese factory:

Swimming in the fast flowing creek at Wappa Dam:

Have a great Christmas everybody! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, 14 December 2017

It's the end of term!!

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas here, with Christmas parties going on. 

We all went to the playgroup Christmas party one weekend. It was great. They had tractor rides, biscuit decorating, running about under the sprinklers and guinea pigs to hold. Santa Claus turned up to hand out sweets after a little Nativity story and sing-a-long jingle bells:

Isla had a Christmassy gymnastics lesson with swinging on ropes and bouncing on an inflatable mat. Here she is waiting for the lesson:

She went to her first school disco too. She loved dancing to the music with her friends in the dark school hall with disco lights.  Here she is having some food outside:

Evie made Santa and some Christmas trees at playgroup this week, as well as a bird and a beaded necklace:

She has also been to the park by the river for a play. The river was very full and brown after all the rain and storms we've been having.

Evie felt a bit peckish after a busy morning: