What an exciting couple of months we've had. It's the Easter holidays now after a busy first term back at school for Isla. Evie has been settling in at kindy, we've had a visit from grandparents, Isla has turned 7 and we've moved house!
Evie has been doing lots of craft at kindy and she brings home lots of pictures she has made:
A very hot Australia Day by the river:
A boat trip on the river:

Monty was interested in a Naked Tree frog that visited us:
Evie and Isla had their first trip to the cinema. They were very excited especially as the movie was a new Paw Patrol sea adventure with different vehicles.
Evie and I have been going to Bush Playgroup at school. We've made lots of friends who will be starting school next year too. There is always some interesting craft activity to try and we learn about different plants and bugs there. So far, we have tried Ice-cream beans and Midyim berries from the garden. There are also passion fruit, eggplant and citrus trees there. We learnt about lemon myrtle bushes this week.
Here is a book Evie made at Bush Playgroup:
There are often Bearded Dragons to hold at playgroup. Lots of people keep them as pets here. Here is Evie holding a baby and also an adult:
We had a trip to Australia Zoo for Isla's birthday:
Isla celebrated her birthday at school with a huge chocolate cake with her name on and lots of lollies that she shared with all her classmates. She enjoyed going to gymnastics after school and then had more cake when she got home:
A couple of days later, we packed up all of our things and moved house!
Our new home is about 20 minutes from our old one. It is only five minutes from school and kindy and is in a nice quiet street.

We've been exploring our new neighbourhood:
We attended an author event at school. The author of a book called 'Funky Chicken' read us his story and did a puppet show. Evie made a possum mask.
It was time for Cross-country again at school:
A couple of weekends ago, we had two birthday parties to attend! At one, there was a special guest of Miss Donna, who is a very well known balloon artist here. Everyone was very excited to see her and to learn how to make a balloon dog. Then everyone could choose something for Miss Donna to make to be taken home.
At the second party, Evie and Isla enjoyed swimming in the pool and bouncing on a huge trampoline: