Sunday, 19 August 2012

Village Day 2012 - Toddlers group float!

Here is my first ever post on our blog about the fun things that Isla gets up to! Yesterday was a big event for us - Village Day! We have been helping to decorate a float at our local Mum and Toddler Group with the theme of Baby Olympics. Isla dressed up as a tennis player, some of her little friends were footballers, judo champs, swimmers and athletes.

Here we are getting ready at home.  As you can see, Isla had won two gold medals in the Olympics, one for singles and one for mixed doubles along with her tennis partner Andy Murray:

Here we are sat on the float waving at onlookers:

Isla loved looking at the tractors which followed us in the procession along the High Street:

It was a very very hot day so we went home after the procession and played in the paddling pool!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant - and I am glad to see that there was an Oliver tractor there! says Alan
    Isla looks really cute - all those curls, says Peter.
    Good to see Isla and her Mum having lots of fun, says Ilene. Isla looks like a real Olympic sports personality - especially as her partner was Andy Murray!
