Wednesday, 20 March 2013

More birthday pressies, cress and a giant stick

I have neglected my blog for a little while, but here we are back with lots of photos of what Isla has been getting up to. She had a visit from her cousins who joined her on the see-saw whale:

Isla went for a ride on her new scuttle bug bike:

Isla's Grandpa and Grandma came to stay in the birthday week, which was very exciting and involved lots of playing. We went out for lunch one day:

Last week Isla and I visited the garden centre to plan which seeds to grow for our garden this summer. It was a funny day to visit a garden centre because it was snowing intermittently all day! We bought some cress seeds, which Isla planted on some wet kitchen roll later on:

A couple of days later, Isla checked on her cress:

 After a few more days, Isla's cress was growing properly:

In preparation for our friends, Sarah and George, coming to stay we made some stromboli. Here is Isla showing Applejack the dough after it had risen:

Isla knocked back the dough:

.....then rolled it out:

.....and finally put some sun-dried tomatoes, roasted peppers, basil and mozzarella on top of the dough before we rolled it up and left it to rise again:

When Sarah and George came to visit, we went for a walk to show them the local sights:

Here are the local sights:

Isla found a giant stick on the way home:

Isla and Andrew built an immense tower of duplo:

Mutty got involved with the playing:

Isla getting on her whale with just some of her many birthday cards displayed behind:

So far this week we have been to a special Easter Tumble tots session, where Isla received more birthday presents from her thoughtful friends, and we have also been spending time at Pre-school which is a lovely place for Isla to spend some of her time. We are hoping to have a trip to the theatre this week, to watch one of Isla's current favourite books ('The tiger that came to tea') being read and acted out.

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