Saturday, 22 June 2013

Isla's first mini milk

It's the end of the week again! We've had a busy few days. On Wednesday, I had a midwife appointment which was all fine but very very hot in the waiting room. Isla went to feed the ducks at Corsham lake with Andrew. By all accounts, the ducks were starving and so a little vicious in their attempts to get bread. Our newly bought double buggy (thanks to Mr Ebay) was put to the test on the way to the lake. Isla did some paper mache on a balloon to make a mask and also a toilet roll telescope at home.

We went to toddler group this week. We opened up and made teas as we were the first ones there. Isla didn't really want to go there, but we went anyway and by the time we had to leave to go home, she was really enjoying it and didn't want to leave! She enjoyed driving in the toy cars and pushing buggies around. She recognised some children there from Pre-school. We had a friend to stay for lunch with a two-year old and a 3 week old baby, which was really nice. We had scones, clotted cream and raspberry jam and so we had a delicious cream tea for dessert...!

Today it was really hot and sunny again! We went to Corsham library rhyme time. Isla liked the songs a lot, especially her all time favourite Baa baa black sheep, and also Riding on a big green tractor. Old MacDonald was good too, apparently he had a crocodile on his farm! We went on an adventure to find the park in Corsham (after purchasing some iced buns to keep us going) and found a good one with a slide and swings and a fun spinny thing. This afternoon we went for a walk to the local shop and bought ice creams. Isla had a chocolate mini milk which went all over her face and top and then she ate most of my cornetto too. Luckily we bumped into our friends who have a labrador on the way home and so Isla got lots of licks to clean up her top, much to her delight.

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