Thursday, 12 September 2013

Music time

Everything started again this week. On Monday, we went to Tumble Tots for the first time since July. Evie joined us! Although she didn't know about it as she was asleep in my carrier the whole time. There were lots of new people in our group, including a toddler we hadn't seen since she was a couple of months old. She was apparently expecting to see Mr Tumble, but unfortunately he wasn't there. Isla was happy to go to Tumble Tots and tried out all the equipment, especially the mini trampoline and balancing bean bags on her head whilst turning around. After lunch, we went to the supermarket, which Isla was very unhappy about and would have preferred to stay at home and do some drawings instead. Luckily, the thought of going in a little red ride-on bus spurred her on to walk from the car to the shop.

Isla enjoyed pre-school a lot this week. They all went into the large hall and had music put on for them. Isla was one of the few who danced to the music with some groovy moves! She had been practising dancing at the weekend to Sam's music and picked up a few dancing tips from him and Al so she really enjoyed her dancing at pre-school! 

Also this week, Isla has been transporting her teddy and tigger snugglers around the house in her own little carrier:

And playing some music with her kazoo (which is no longer scary!), her shakers and harmonica to Evie and me:

This morning Evie had her first set of injections to vaccinate against many things and also drops against rotavirus. She didn't particularly enjoy that visit to the doctors. The day before she had her 6-week check, so it feels like we have spent most of our time in waiting rooms the last couple of days! Andrew and Isla had an exciting trip to the DIY shop while Evie and I were getting the jabs done, and Isla came back with a Winnie the Pooh lampshade for her room. While we were waiting for the others to come home, Evie gave me lots of smiles so I don't think she really minded me taking her to the doctors. 

Evie makes lots of cute noises now like goo and does lots of gurgling as well as all her grunting noises. She also follows things with her eyes and can hold her head up a little when she is being held. She likes looking at things more now especially our faces and contrasting colours on clothes.

Evie wore her lovely new cardigan to prepare for a walk outside:

Isla went on the see-saw and found her echo at the top of the slide:

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