The daffodils are coming out in the garden this week, and we have had tulips in the house.
We went swimming on Monday after dropping Granny at the station. We had had a brilliant time with Granny, particularly in the sand pit making pies and doing paintings together. At the pool, Isla practised some of her skills and Evie enjoyed being in the water for the first time in ages. She is now ready for arm bands but also enjoys sitting on the side and falling into my arms.
Isla and Evie had grown beards and moustaches later on:
We got the play dough out after dinner:
Evie walked a lot on the way to pick up Isla from pre-school. She spotted two ladybirds, a spider, a cat, a stone and a stick. She also pointed out the buses, cars and vans on the way. Isla had been learning about the best letter of all ('s') and had made bunny ears, done dancing and played with her friends. We had all seen a huge hail storm earlier in the day but luckily we just got rained on a little while walking home.
Today we did drawings with some chalk pastels. We were drawing the flowers that we used in a special colour experiment. Isla poured and mixed some different coloured water and cut white flowers to put in the different water glasses. She thought that the flowers might change colour. We used a control treatment of colourless water so it was a proper scientific experiment and everything. Our results are due to appear in Nature next week.
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