Thursday, 12 January 2017

Christmas pudding (!), capsicums, camping and a cool cloud

We had our Christmas pudding a little late this year! It was the tiniest one probably in the world, but it was still fun for Andrew to light it:

Our first homegrown capsicum:

Isla's magic crystal garden in full bloom:

We went for a walk at Buderim Forest Park. It is a boardwalk through forests, ending with a tricky walk over rocks to a waterfall. There were loads of people there too, as it was a hot day and holidays but it was a beautiful walk. We saw a couple of different birds (a rufous fantail and a brown cuckoo dove), Andrew spotted a yabby in a  creek (!!!! freshwater crayfish!!!!) and I spotted a HUGE spider that made even the Australians stop and stare.

On the drive home, we stopped off to look at some dams which we could come and swim at sometime.

Lunch out at the sunshine plaza:

Isla and Evie have been enjoying playing together everyday. They like playing Guess Who and also Labyrinth. Isla has been learning to make lots of paper planes including 'javelins' and 'alien landers'. They have lots of fun playing with their cars, dolls and Lego too. Pretend camping with tents made from chairs and blankets is a real favourite, especially when their pups come too. So they were very excited when we went camping for real this week! Before that, they made a start on their Fairy Garden, hoping to attract some fairies to the area:

We went to Boreen Point for a mini camping adventure. There is a salty lake that we swam in, it felt almost like a bath it was so warm.

A goanna visiting our camp:

Back home, a rainbow in a cloud:

and a lovely swim:

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