Saturday, 27 May 2017

Hangin with the roos

It was about time we visited Australia Zoo again, so we headed there last weekend. There were lots of lovely soft kangaroos and koalas to stroke. The jury is still out on which is softest: kangaroos, koalas or Monty.

Evie and I had a sneaky trip to the park and the beach together while the others were busy. It was a beautiful morning.

We found a forest school playgroup to attend! Forest school is not as common here as in the UK. Having really loved Dyrham Park family nature sessions and outdoor playgroup in Bath, we found a playgroup that meets outside in the botanic gardens to discover things and do craft in the bush. Evie liked looking for yellow pom-pom flowers with the other little people, and finding leaf and grass treasures. We learnt how to make pom-poms using just our fingers and yarn. Our group got swooped by three cheeky kookaburras who stole some of our craft material! Perhaps they fancied making some pom poms too....! We saw lots of brush turkeys and met some new people.

We've been to see daddy at work a lot this week!

Our normal weekly playgroup was good fun this week, with a mini trampoline set up along with scooter boards and stomping boards.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. I'll leave you with photo of a baby gecko in our garden:

1 comment:

  1. Looks as if you were having a real 'moment' with the kangaroo, Andrew. And you were all so relaxed with the big fella! I suspect Pob is the softest. Love to all, Granddad.
