Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Dolphins and goats


Here is the first passionfruit from our garden:

This little lizard paid us a visit a few weeks back. I think it is a Nobbi dragon:

In May, we went to visit some different farms around Gympie. There was a strawberry farm with music and food, a farm with goats and pigs and also an alpaca farm. 

The weekend before last we had a trip to Rainbow Beach by driving up the coast. At Rainbow Beach there is a huge sand blow which we all thought was amazing. It looked a bit like a desert in the middle of the forest. We stayed at Tin Can Bay and got up early to feed Australian Humpback Dolphins there. The Soldier crabs on the beaches at low tide were brilliant too.

Red Canyon on the way up Teewah Beach:

View from the edge of the Carlo Sand Blow:

At a jetty near Rainbow Beach Holiday Park, we spotted some dolphins porpoising along so we went to investigate. The dolphins came to investigate us too, and were keen on following a jet ski around near the jetty and watching to check if we had been fishing:

We visited the art gallery one weekend. The children's area had microscopes available to look closely at different materials before drawing them.

There was great excitement at school because the Goombuckar bus was visiting. Classes got to learn about indigenous culture including face painting with ochre.

After-school soccer on the beach (football just sounds wrong now!):

Here is a clay jellyfish on display at the library:

Evie had a little trip to the Emergency Department at hospital a couple of weeks ago after a FOOSH at school. She got to wear a cool thermoplastic splint to protect her wrist. It made monkey bars and climbing at the park a bit tricky. After a week she is better again.

The Carlo Sand Blow:

A baby year old dolphin peeks out the water behind mum:

Soldier Crabs:

Did you spot Pob in the wrong place?! Well done you!

1 comment:

  1. Loved all your activities! Reminded me about learning to drive on tractors - Ferguson & Oliver after starting on Dodgems in Wellington.
