Monday, 19 August 2013

A crayfish and a butterfly

This weekend, Isla and Evie have been lucky enough to have their granny Ilene and grandpa come to visit. We have been in the garden, where caterpillars have finished off all our nasturtiums. One of our pet caterpillars which we have been keeping in a pot inside had turned into a chrysalis last week and on Sunday, granny noticed that it had turned into a cabbage white butterfly! We released it. We have been enjoying eating runner beans grown in our garden.

We went out for lunch and had some yummy fish and chips, as well as chocolate brownie. As we were walking back to the car, we passed a river where we saw a huge crayfish walking along the bottom! It was great to see a crayfish in the wild, however it was a signal crayfish introduced from the States which has out-competed out native species in many rivers.

Earlier in the week, we visited daddy at his work and went out for lunch where Isla enjoyed vanilla ice cream and warm milk for pudding, while I had some chocolate fudge cake and a cup of tea. Very greedy!

Granny took Isla to our village day, despite the rain. They saw lots of tractors and dogs and had a great time. This afternoon, we all took a stroll out in the sunshine and bumped into someone from Isla's pre-school who invited us to come and meet her ponies and excited puppy. Isla enjoyed seeing all of the animals.

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