At Horseworld, Andrew tried riding a pink pony while Isla turned into a yellow rabbit:
Isla loved the swing park at Horseworld a lot, despite the huge number of wasps buzzing around! She liked the fireman's pole and the sandpit.
Isla learnt some horsey skills such as grooming manes:
.............measuring heights in hands:
............stroking donkeys called Gemma and Pickle-Lily:

...............scooping sawdust:
...................and even horse riding:
When we got home, Isla did some colouring in using her new book sent from Natalie:
Isla read a lovely princess story that she made up herself to me, Evie and her new horsey snuggler toy (called Dandy):
At just over a week old, Evie's favourite past times are feeding, sleeping, hiccuping and making funny noises. She also likes staring at black and white shapes such as the picture frame and lamp. She loves it when I wear a stripey top. She is most active in the evenings, just as she was when she was growing in my tummy. She enjoys dressing as a ladybird, as you can see from the following pics:
This afternoon Isla prepared a picnic for us. There were lots of picnickers to cater for: me, Evie, baby, BaaBaa, Peppa, Dandy the horse, teddy, kitty and Isla herself of course! We visited the library and chose lots of new books. We also visited the supermarket to stock up on fruit and snacks. A Cbeebies magazine managed to sneak into the basket so when we got home we had a spider called Woolley from it to make which may appear on here at some stage.
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