Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Evie turns 6!

Evie had her birthday at the end of last month. She has been asking most days since about March, "Is it nearly my birthday?" and finally the big day came!

She was lucky to have her birthday on a Sunday, so we had a party on her actual birthday. A friend from her class has the same birthday so we had the party together with most of the rest of their class at a local park. They had TWO birthday cakes of course (much to the excitement of the children), lots of sausage rolls, fairy bread, cupcakes, crisps (chips) and they played lots of fun games like 'Shark Attack' and a treasure hunt for real chocolate gold.


When Evie was still 5, we had some other adventures in the school holidays. We went for some bike rides, and went to Chambers Island to look for crabs. We also went rock climbing at Yaroomba and played at home.


A trip to Seaworld and O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat in the Lamington National Park:

 An Eastern Yellow Robin

 An Eastern Whipbird

 A female Australian King Parrot
A male Australian King Parrot

 Evie holding a Crimson Rosella

 Our lamb board
Ash, the Sooty Owl

 Feeding a squirrel glider (a type of possum) with honey
 We all held the Carpet Python!

A male Satin Bowerbird

A Ring-tailed Possum.

A Pademelon (type of wallaby)

 Snowball the alpaca

A walk to Hell's Gate:

 A Butcher Bird trying to steal my apple

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