Monday, 7 October 2019

Scotland Part 1

Yesterday Evie lost her first tooth while eating a pancake at 5 in the morning. She looks a bit more piratey now:

At the beginning of September, a huge bushfire started near Andrew's work and spread rapidly due to the wind and dry conditions: 

Nearby suburbs had to be evacuated and we were on a 'prepare to leave' notice for the evening. Some children and teachers from school were displaced for two nights and on the third day, they were allowed back.

That afternoon, we went to Brisbane airport for the start of our adventures in Scotland:

We flew to Glasgow via Dubai. At Dubai airport we took a train to our next gate.

And then we arrived in Sunny Scotland:

We had a nice couple of days settling in and then we caught a ferry to Arran.

On the way from Corrie to Brodick, we were excited to see seals basking on the rocks and swimming about:

At Lamlash, there is a tiny aquarium with native sea creatures. It was brilliant! It is called the Octopus Centre.
Here is a Sea Lemon and a Sea Urchin:

Sea Squirts:

A scallop, could be a King or a Queen, I don't know:

On our last day in Arran, we visited Brodick Castle:

There was a trail that involved following clues to find a Dodo. It was a bit like being in a Harry Potter story, because we had to find a bezoar and then a griffin.

Brodick Castle had probably the best playground in the world. It was all ours because all of the Scottish children were at school.

On the way to catch the ferry, we stopped at Arran Aromatics and the Arran Cheese Shop. Isla and Evie made some colourful soap:

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