Monday 23 December 2013

Baking Christmas goodies

Isla and I have been baking some gingerbread biscuits and mince pies this weekend. We used a Mary Berry gingerbread recipe pimped with some treacle as we had no brown sugar. They were yummy. Isla is brilliant at rolling out dough with her little pink rolling pin and then cutting out shapes. All that play dough mucking about must have been handy!

Evie has been enjoying lots of cuddles from everyone. She has made friends with her toy octopus and been practising grabbing the fur of Isla's toy cat.... watch out Pob! She was cooed over in our local shop by all the shop staff yesterday, who appreciated her smiling at them. Isla had her first tube of smarties and was intrigued that the orange ones actually taste of orange. She has been helping with present wrapping up and today we got out a special Christmas magazine for her to look at and put stickers on. She really liked a page about the Octonauts cartoon (you'd have to see the cartoon to find out about Captain Barnacles and the GUPs!!). She liked pretending our hands were sea anemones. Evie was asleep on my lap while we were playing, and everytime Isla giggled, Evie did a cute little laugh in her sleep! I wonder if she used to do this when I was pregnant with her. 

We ventured out between hailstorms for a walk in the sunshine to see the ponies eating sweet-smelling hay. Isla was desperate to ride on Andrew's shoulders and eventually got her wish so was very happy! I remember doing that too when I was little.

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